China arrests Christian citizens for attending Gospel event in Malaysia

In its ongoing bid to suppress Christianity in China, the Chinese communist regime last year arrested a number of believers for traveling to Malaysia to attend a conference held by well-known Chinese evangelist Tang Chongrong in 2020, Bitter Winter reported Monday.

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Iran Grants New Year’s Leave To Jailed Convert And Other Christian Prisoners

Iranian authorities have temporarily released another jailed Christian convert after an order to free Christian prisoners for Christmas and the New Year, Worthy News learned Wednesday.

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Myanmar: Burmese Army continues to burn churches and homes in Christian state

Myanmar’s Burmese Army (Tatmadaw) is continuing to burn down homes and churches in Thantlang in the Christian majority state of Chin, even though the military has already killed or driven out the town’s Christian residents, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports.

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Afghan Christian refugees speak of their fear and anxiety

A family of Christian refugees who escaped Afghanistan after the Taliban took over last August has been speaking about their fear of being murdered before they could flee, and of anxiety about their uncertain future, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. The family’s full name cannot be given for security reasons.

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Uganda: New Christians driven from their homes by Islamic extremists

Brand new Christians in eastern Uganda came under severe attack last month, as Muslim neighbors destroyed their crops and drove them from homes upon hearing of their conversion from Islam to Christ, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. Christians in Uganda have come under increasing attack from Islamic extremists, even though Muslims make up only 12% of the population.

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Nigeria: US and international community do nothing as slaughter of Christians continues

The international community remains almost completely silent as Christians in Nigeria continue to be slaughtered by Islamic jihadists intent on crushing Christianity and imposing Sharia law on the country.

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Pakistan: Court returns Christian girl to parents after her abduction and forced marriage to Muslim man

A High Court in Pakistan has finally returned a 14-year-old Christian girl to the custody of her family after she was abducted and forced to marry a Muslim man in 2020, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports.

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China announces draconian restrictions to online Christian activity

China’s Communist regime has announced harsh new restrictions to online religious activities, effectively banning online church services for Chinese believers that are not part of the state-approved Three-Self church movement, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. The move follows China’s prior banning of in-person religious gatherings, supposedly due to the pandemic.

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