India persecution: Spate of Hindu attacks against Christianity over Christmas period

The intensifying persecution of believers by Hindu nationalists in India has now even caught the attention of mainstream international media, with the Guardian UK joining Christian organizations in reporting on a spate of attacks against Christianity in the country over the Christmas period.

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Britain: Prosecution withdraws case against UK pastor fined for carrying on ministry to homeless

A British pastor who was fined over £16,000 for running her ministry to the homeless during a UK lockdown was told this month that the prosecution has withdrawn the case against her, Christian Legal Centre reports. Pastor Chizumie Dyer, who runs her ‘Church on the Streets’ ministry in Nottingham, England, was issued fines by police in February 2021.

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Texas pastor forgives church vandal; Christmas services continued despite damage

The pastor of Our Savior Lutheran Church in Austin, Texas has extended forgiveness to a vandal who caused between $100,000 - $300,000 damage to the church building on Christmas Eve, CBN reports. Pastor Eric Borchers said the attack would not stop his congregation from enjoying Christmas services as parishioners rallied to clean up the damage.

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Kenya: Somali-born Christian survives murder attempt by Islamists

A Somali-born Christian convert in northeastern Kenya is recovering after four ethnic Somali Muslims attempted to murder him for leaving Islam to follow Christ, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. The population of Kenya is 80% Christian but converts from Islam remain vulnerable to attacks from radicalized Muslims.

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Myanmar: Save the Children aid group says two members missing since Christmas Eve massacre

The international Save the Children aid organization reported Saturday that two of its members were missing in Myanmar after the Burmese Army (Tatmadaw) murdered 35 civilians on Friday and burned the bodies beyond recognition, the Washington Times reports. The slaughter on Christmas Eve was the latest atrocity committed by the Tatmadaw in seeking to control Myanmar and impose Buddhism as the national religion.

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Myanmar atrocity: Burmese Army burns 35 civilians alive on Christmas Eve

Myanmar’s Burmese Army (Tatmadaw) burned alive at least 35 civilians, including elderly people and children, in Karenni state on Christmas Eve, Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) reports. The Tatmadaw rogue army has been slaughtering and displacing non-Buddhists since it overthrew Myanmar’s democratically elected government in a February 1 coup.

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Christian pastors told to implement alignment with Chinese Communist Party principles

China’s President Xi Jinping has declared that Christian leaders in the country must “immediately” implement new government directives on attaining close alignment with Chinese Communist Party (CCP) principles, Bitter Winter reports.

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