Canada: Pastor spends second night in jail to stand for religious freedom

A pastor in Manitoba, Canada spent an additional night in prison last week after rejecting bail conditions that would have prevented him from preaching at his church, Fox News reports. Pastor Tobias Tissen who leads Manitoba’s Church of God Restoration was imprisoned for two days after violating a COVID-19 order which banned outdoor gatherings of more than five people.

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Three pastors freed from prison in Myanmar

Three ethnic Kachin pastors in Myanmar were among 5,000 prisoners freed by the Burmese Army (Tatmadaw) on Monday, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. The Tatmadaw said in a statement they had released the prisoners “on humanitarian grounds,” but it is widely believed this was a strategic move by General Min Aung Hlaing to gain international acceptance as the legitimate leader of Myanmar.

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Chile: Two more churches destroyed in ongoing wave of arson attacks

In the latest of a wave of arson attacks on churches in Chile, two churches in the Biobio region were burned to the ground on October 12, Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) reports. The attacks on both Protestant and Catholic churches in Chile began in 2015.

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