Protestant leaders accuse Indonesian government of perpetuating unrest and division

Protestant Church leaders in Indonesia have accused Jakarta of perpetuating unrest and division instead of addressing human rights violations in the country, International Christian Concern reports. The Protestant Church Council, which comprises the Indonesian Christian Church in Papua, the Kemah Injili Church, and the Evangelical Church in Indonesia, published its accusations in a June 2 statement.

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Arsonist burns down church in Indonesia

A church in Mamasa in the West Sulawesi province of Indonesia was burned down during the pre-dawn hours of Sunday, June 27, International Christian Concern reports. No one was in the Toraja Mamasa church building at the time of the arson, and the destruction was discovered as people arrived later in the morning to worship at the Sunday service.

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Iran persecution: Three Christians sentenced to five years imprisonment for “propaganda”

As Iran continues a relentless campaign of persecution against Iranian believers, on June 26 the Revolutionary Court in Karaj, northern Iran sentenced three Christians to five years in jail for “engaging in propaganda against the Islamic regime,” Christians Worldwide Solidarity reports.

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Nigeria Christian “killing fields:” 18 Christians murdered in June, “please pray”

As Islamic militants continue the slaughter of Christians in Nigeria, suspected Fulani Muslim militants murdered a Christian doctor in Niger state and 17 other Christians in Plateau state this month, International Christian Concern reports. At least 1500 Christians have been killed by Islamic militants this year alone; the US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) said in its 2021 annual report that Nigeria has become a “killing field for Christians.”

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India persecution: Tribal animists force Christians to leave their homes

More than 50 Christians from 13 families have recently been forced to leave their villages and escape into the jungle of India’s Odisha state by tribal animists enraged at the believers’ faith in Christ, Morning Star News reported Friday. India ranks 10 on the US Open Doors Watch List of countries that persecute Christians.

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Pakistan court upholds life sentence for Christian accused of sending text messages against Islam

A court of appeals in Pakistan has upheld the life sentence of Zafar Bhatti, a Christian man who was convicted and imprisoned in 2017 for supposedly sending insulting text messages Islam’s prophet Mohammed, Morning Star News reports. Pakistan is one of nine nations the US has designated a “Country of Particular Concern” for severe violations of religious freedom.

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