Third pastor in Canada arrested for violating COVID-19 restrictions

The third church leader to be arrested in Canada this month, Pastor Tim Stephens of Fairview Baptist Church in southeast Calgary was arrested Sunday for holding a service in violation of COVID-19 restrictions. Local authorities said the arrest was made after weeks of attempting to collaborate with church leadership to address ongoing health concerns.

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Niger Militants Attack Church Killing 5

Islamic militants have attacked a church in Niger’s turbulent Tillabéri, Niger region, leaving five people dead and two seriously injured, an aid group said Tuesday.

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Pakistan Church Leaders Against Repealing Blasphemy Laws

Several Catholic priests and nuns have urged Christians in Pakistan to learn to live with strict blasphemy laws amid ongoing anti-Christian violence in this mainly Muslim nation.

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Christian Farmers Killed As Indonesia Faces Rising Islamic Extremism (Worthy News In-Depth)

The killings of four Christian farmers underscore mounting Islamic extremism facing Indonesia’s Christian minority, Worthy News established Tuesday.

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Nigeria Christian Persecution Crisis: Almost 1500 Christians slaughtered, 2200 abducted, by Islamic Jihadists in first third of 2021

The large-scale, years-long onslaught of killing and kidnapping of Christians in Nigeria by Muslim extremists continues unabated and under-reported: a further 1470 Christians were murdered, and 2200 abducted, by Islamic Jihadists in the first four months of 2021 alone, the Intersociety for Civil Liberty and Rule of Law has attested in a new report. This time last year, the Nigerian Voice reported that Islamic militants had butchered 32,000 Christians since 2009; that number is now much higher.

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Iran Christians attend meetings to prepare for prosecution

Christian converts and evangelists in Iran attend ‘persecution preparedness’ meetings to share practical and psychological ways of coping with the threat of government raids on underground churches and the prospect of being jailed in notoriously appalling prisons on the grounds of ‘national security,’ Open Doors UK reports.

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