India Christian persecution: Tribal animists violently attack Christians at home church meeting

Around 30 tribal animists violently attacked Christians at a home worship service in India’s Chhattisgarh state on March 8, Morning Star News reported Tuesday. India currently ranks 10 on the Open Doors watch list of countries in which Christians are persecuted.

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Federal Court: University administrators personally liable for damages for discrimination against Christian student group

The 8th US Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Monday that individual University of Iowa administrators are personally liable for monetary damages for breaching the First Amendment rights of the Business Leaders in Christ (BLinC) student organization and removing it from the college campus.

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Pakistan: High Court changes life sentence to death penalty for Seventh Day Adventist accused of blasphemy

The High Court in Lahore, Pakistan has changed a life sentence to the death penalty in the case of a member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church charged with sending a blasphemous text message in 2011, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. Giving its decision on March 10, the High Court ruled in favor of Islamist group Khatam-e-Nabuwwat Forum, which argued that 36-year-old Sajjad Masih should be sentenced to death rather than life imprisonment for his transgression.

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Christian Baker Jack Phillips Back in Court as 8-Year Legal Saga Drags on - This Time It's a Transgender Cake

Colorado baker Jack Phillips is back in court again, facing another lawsuit. For more than eight years, LGBT activists have targeted him for his beliefs. This time, he's being sued for declining to bake a cake celebrating a transgender transition.

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Christian persecution in China: home Bible study raided, at least a dozen people detained

Authorities from the civil affairs bureau and police force in China’s Guizhou province raided a Protestant home Bible study Tuesday morning, reportedly detaining at least 12 people for questioning, Radio Free Asia reports. The Bible study was being attended by members of the Ren'ai Reformed Church, whose pastor Zhang Chulei was one of the first church leaders to sign the declaration of Christian faith initiated by jailed pastor Wang Yi.

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