Algeria: Court reduces fine but retains suspended prison sentence for 11 Christians

A court of appeals in Algeria has reduced a fine given to a group of 11 Christians convicted of “unauthorized non-Muslim worship,” but it retained a suspended prison sentence that was also given, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. Concerned that Muslim citizens should not be diverted from their faith, Algeria passed a law in 2006 designed to repress non-Muslim worship.

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Algeria: Appeals court upholds heavy fine against Christian

An Algerian court of appeals on December 1 upheld a hefty fine given to a Christian convert from Islam who had been charged with accepting donations without a license for the purpose of proselytization, Morning Star News (MSN) reports.

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Algeria: Appeals court upholds sentence for two Christian leaders accused of proselytizing

A court of appeals in Algeria has upheld the sentences of two Christian pastors in Algeria who were convicted of “proselytization” and sentenced to a fine of $1,500 USD and a one-year suspended prison sentence, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports.

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Pakistan court upholds life sentence for Christian accused of sending text messages against Islam

A court of appeals in Pakistan has upheld the life sentence of Zafar Bhatti, a Christian man who was convicted and imprisoned in 2017 for supposedly sending insulting text messages Islam’s prophet Mohammed, Morning Star News reports. Pakistan is one of nine nations the US has designated a “Country of Particular Concern” for severe violations of religious freedom.

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Federal Court: University administrators personally liable for damages for discrimination against Christian student group

The 8th US Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Monday that individual University of Iowa administrators are personally liable for monetary damages for breaching the First Amendment rights of the Business Leaders in Christ (BLinC) student organization and removing it from the college campus.

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