DR Congo: Islamic militants murder dozens of Christians; “please pray for our brothers and sisters”

Islamic terrorists are believed responsible for the murders of over 100 people in DR Congo last month, and a large number of those murdered were from Christian communities, International Christian Concern reports. Known for deadly violence, the rebel Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) group is believed to have intensified its targeted attacks on Christians.

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Nigeria: Fulani Muslim herdsmen continue murderous attacks on Christians

As Islamist violence against Christians in Nigeria continues unabated, Fulani Muslim herdsmen recently killed two clergymen and burned down a Christian conference hall in the country’s Middle Belt, Morning Star News reports. The chairman of the Niger state Christian Association of Nigeria, Rev. Mathias Echioda, told Morning Star News: “There’s the urgent need for Nigeria’s government to put an end to these barbaric acts.”

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Uganda: Christian family violently attacked by Muslims for second time in a month

A Christian family recovering from an assault by Muslims in Uganda last month was attacked again last week, Morning Star News reports. On January 24, Muslim villagers again attacked the family of Pastor Moses Nabwana, this time breaking into his Nankodo Sub-County home and injuring his wife and two of his children. The pastor and his wife Lovisa Naura were still recovering from being hospitalized after beatings by local Islamists on December 27.

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Mexican Evangelicals are helping Catholics turn to Christ, away from idols

Evangelical Christians in Mexico have been preaching the Gospel to their Syncretist Catholic neighbors, turning them toward Christ and away from idols, the Christian Post reports. According to a recent survey, the number of Mexican evangelical Christians has increased by 49% since 2010.

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Pakistan: Christian nurse charged with blasphemy for saying “Jesus is the true Savior”

A Christian nurse in Pakistan was charged with blasphemy Friday, after an Islamist mob demanded police rescind their original decision to dismiss an allegation against her, Morning Star News reports. Accusations of blasphemy in Pakistan can result in lengthy jail sentences, and can also trigger mob lynchings and vigilante murders.

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