Uganda: Female pastor raped by Islamic extremists for preaching the Gospel

Islamic extremists in Uganda raped a female church pastor last month, claiming they were “teaching her a lesson” for converting Muslims to Christianity, Morning Star News reports. The Pastor, who was not named for her protection, was attacked in Kapyani in the Kibuku District of eastern Uganda on December 21. Although Ugandan law allows freedom of religion, and Muslims are a small minority in the country, radical Islamic persecution of Christians is ongoing.

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Slaughter of Christians in Nigeria: “Please continue to pray for the safety and security of our brothers and sisters”

Muslim Fulani militants are continuing to murder Christians in Nigeria, and at least 18 people from Christian communities in Kaduna state were slaughtered in the week leading up to Christmas, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports.

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Indonesia Bans Islamic Defenders Front

Christians in a movement of former Muslims and other believers welcomed a decision by Indonesia's government to ban an Islamist group that attacked churches and other targets.

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Important new report on religious persecution in North Korea: Christians are the most targeted among faith groups

A groundbreaking new study entitled “Persecuting Faith” has found that Christianity is the most persecuted faith in secretive North Korea, Christianity Today reports. Drawing on the testimonies of 117 defectors, the 2020 report was published by the Korea Future Initiative (KFI) in the hope it will inform any future human rights sanctions applied to North Korea by Western countries.

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Sudan: Amid hope of less Christian persecution, church tent is burned down 5 times and congregants threatened

Islamic terrorists in Sudan have burned down a church’s worship tent five times and have threatened to kill congregants if they put up another tent and continue to worship, Morning Star News reports. Sudanese Christians hope that Islamic persecution against them will diminish as dictator Omar al-Bashir was deposed in Apr. 2019 and Sudan has a new transitional government led by Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok.

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