Believer from Iran details story of answered prayer

A persecuted Christian from Iran who escaped to Switzerland detailed the conditions believers are facing in the Islamic Republic at the Family Research Council Wednesday, telling a story of how her father was told by God to hand their church over to the government.

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Muslim herders in Nigeria continue genocide against Christian farmers

More believers were killed in Plateau State, Nigeria by Fulani herdsmen on Jan. 26 and Jan. 27 in separate attacks on predominantly Christian villages by the Muslim ethnic group, which has committed itself to exterminating Christians from the country and taking their lands.

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Christian Rohingya refugees persecuted by Muslim Rohingya refugees in camp

One Rohingya Christian is missing and 12--several of whom are children--are seriously injured after Muslims of the famously persecuted ethnic group from Myanmar assaulted the small Christian enclave within the refugee community in Bangladesh.

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