Nigeria: Boko Haram attack Christian community, murder two; “please pray”

Boko Haram Islamic terrorists murdered two Christians and set many homes on fire during an October 5 attack on a Christian community in Chibok in Nigeria’s Borno state, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. Over 3,400 Christians in Nigeria have been murdered by Islamic militants this year.

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China: Government targets Christian schools, detains staff

hinese government authorities in recent days have raided Christian schools and detained staff members who have not been heard of since, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. It is believed the raids were triggered by the ruling Communist Party’s “Administrative Measures for Religious Institutions” which came into effect on September 1 and which extend governmental control of religious schools in China.

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Nigeria “killing field”: Fulani militants murder two Christians and child

The slaughter of Christians by Islamic extremists in Nigeria continues: on Friday 15 October, Fulani militants murdered a father and his 8-year old son together with the driver for a representative of rights organization International Christian Concern (ICC) as the three traveled on a motorbike in Plateau state, ICC reports. The US Commission on International Religious Freedom said in its annual report this year that Nigeria is becoming a killing field for Christians.

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China: Street evangelist released after 6th detention this year

A street evangelist from China’s Hunan province has been released after being imprisoned by Chinese authorities for the sixth time this year, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. Chen Wensheng of Hengyang City had been detained from September 26 to October 11 for sharing the Gospel on the street.

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Burmese army sets Christian village on fire

The Burmese Army has burned down a whole village in Myanmar’s Chin state, a traditionally Christian stronghold, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. The attack took place earlier this month as part of a “clearance operation” designed to crush opposition to Burmese military rule in Chin state.

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India: 13 incidents of Hindu persecution against Christians recorded in one day

The Evangelical Fellowship of India (EFI) has reported that thirteen acts of Hindu nationalist persecution against Christians took place in a single day across northern India on Sunday, October 3, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. 

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Uganda: Two Islamists charged with murdering Christian pastor

Two Islamists in eastern Uganda have been charged with murdering Pastor Barnabas Musana of Nangonde Sub-County on September 12, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. The two men are believed to have killed Pastor Musana because he was leading Muslims to Christ through evangelistic events and public debates about Islam and Christianity.

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