India Hindu Mob Cuts Of Ears From Christian Boy In Church Attack

A dozen Christian worshipers have been attacked by hundreds of Hindu hardliners in northern India amid
spreading Hindu nationalist hate speech and violence towards minority Christians in the country, Worthy News established Saturday.

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India persecution: Pastor and wife imprisoned on false charges of forcibly converting Hindus to Christianity

As India’s Uttar Pradesh state crackdowns on Christians through harsh anti-conversion laws, on October 3 a local pastor and his wife were arrested and imprisoned on false charges of forcing Hindus to convert to Christianity, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports.

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India: Police beat up Christians arrested on false charges

Police in India’s Uttar Pradesh state last month beat up two Christians they had arrested on false charges of forcibly converting Hindus to Christianity, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. Believers in Uttar Pradesh are reportedly experiencing a wave of intense persecution as Hindu nationalists continually abuse harsh anti-conversion laws to have them arrested and detained on false charges.

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