Evangelicals called for prayer for end of war in Ukraine on August 24

A call has been issued for evangelicals around the world to join in prayer on August 24 to pray for an end to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Christian Today (CT) reports. Organized by the World Evangelical Alliance and by the European Evangelical Alliance, the day of prayer was chosen to coincide with Independence Day in Ukraine.

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Uganda: Islamic extremists cut off hand of new Christian convert

A Christian convert and father of six in eastern Uganda has had his hand cut off by radicalized Muslim extremists enraged that he and his family had left Islam and had started attending church, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. Christians in Uganda are increasingly vulnerable to attacks by Islamic extremists, even though Muslims are a minority group and Christianity is legal in the country.

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Myanmar: Army restricts aid to civilians including Christians

The Refugees International non-profit organization reported last month that the Burmese Army (Tatmadaw) in Myanmar has been restricting humanitarian aid to civilians, notably in areas with large populations of Christians, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports.

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