India: Christian pastors ordered to cease all ministry

Christian pastors in India’s Uttar Pradesh state were summoned to a police station earlier this month and ordered to cease all house church gatherings and religious activities unless they had a permit from the District Magistrate, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports.

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China: Christian coupled jailed and penniless for selling the Bible

A court in China has not only sentenced a Christian couple to seven years in prison for selling the Bible Christian books without permission but has also imposed such punitive fines on the pair that they have been left penniless and with no means to support their four children, Union of Catholic Asian (UCA) News reports.

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India: Hindu authorities shut down church following complaints about conversions to Christianity

A pro-Hindu news outlet reported approvingly on May 24 that authorities in India’s Odisha state shut down a church following complaints about local tribal residents converting to Christianity. Persecution against Christians in India has intensified greatly since the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party came to power in 2014.

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Pakistan: Catholic girl abducted, forced to marry Muslim man, family “pleading with police” for help

A 15-year-old Catholic girl in Faisalabad, Pakistan was abducted by a Muslim man earlier this month and has now been forced to marry him, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. Rights groups report that at least 1,000 Christian and Hindu girls and women are forcibly married to Muslim men every year in Pakistan.

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US Urged To Add Nigeria As ‘Country Of Particular Concern’ After Killing Christians

An influential U.S.-based Christian advocacy group has urged the Biden administration to reverse its "baffling error" and add Nigeria back to its list of "Countries of Particular Concern” (CPC).

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Xi Jinping: China doesn’t need “preachers” on human rights

China’s President Xi Jinping told the UN this week that his country doesn’t need ‘preachers’ to ‘boss’ it around on the issue of human rights, Fox Metro News (FMN) reports. Xi made his remark during a video call with United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet, despite facing accusations of gross human rights violations against the Uyghur and other Muslim minorities, and of systematically suppressing Christianity nationwide.

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Nigeria: Islamic extremists set fire to Christians homes and businesses in Bauchi

Young Islamic men in Nigeria’s Bauchi state set Christian homes and businesses state on fire Friday as they searched for a Christian woman rumored to have made a blasphemous comment insulting Muhammad, Morning Star News reports. The incident happened days after a mob of Islamic extremists in Soroko state murdered Christian student Deborah Emmanuel, after accusing her of insulting Muhammad in a WattsApp comment.

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