Iran: Imprisoned pastor is granted 5-day home leave

A pastor in Iran who is serving a six-year prison sentence for ‘acting against national security by ‘promoting Zionist Christianity,’ has been granted a five-day furlough to be with his family, Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) reports. Yousef Nadarkhani was released from Evin prison on 13 April, for reasons that are not clear.

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Nigeria: Slaughter of Christians headed toward Genocide if nothing is done say NGOs

A new report by major Christian advocacy and international human rights organizations warns that the ongoing slaughter of many thousands of Christians in Nigeria’s Middle Belt at the hands of Fulani Muslim terrorists could increase to the level of genocide if it continues to be unchecked, International Christian Concern (ICC) report.

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Chinese Christian in US to give evidence of abuses in Xinjiang detention camp

A Christian citizen of China has arrived in the US to provide evidence supporting a case submitted to the International Criminal Court that China has committed crimes against humanity at its detention camps in Xinjiang, Axios reports. Detained and tortured in a Xinjiang camp for 10 months, Ovalbek Turdakun gave thanks to God after he and his wife and child arrived safely in Washington DC on April 8.

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Christian radio continues to broadcast Gospel to Ukraine despite forced evacuation

A Christian radio station team that had broadcast from Ukraine prior to the Russian invasion, is continuing to share the Gospel despite being forced to evacuate from its modern studio in Odessa to an apartment in Romania, WNG reports. Even while struggling with a staff shortage and lack of equipment in Romania, New Life Radio still broadcasts the Good News in Russian to Ukraine as well as to Russia and Belarus.

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