Church of England considers referencing God in gender-neutral terms

The Church of England has confirmed it is examining the possibility of changing its liturgy to reference God in gender-neutral terms instead of as “Father,” “Him,” and “He,” the New York Post (NYP) reports. However, the denomination has said there are no plans to make changes to the current liturgy at present, and any future change would require “extensive legislation.”

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Belarus: Authorities ban Christian church congregation from holding worship services

Authorities have now ordered the congregation at the New Life Church in Minsk, Belarus, to stop even the outdoor parking lot meetings they were reduced to after city officials sealed their church building last year, Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) reports. Ideologically close and loyal to Russia’s President Putin, Belarus’ authoritarian regime has criminalized unregistered Christian activity.

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Somali pastor violently attacked by father-in-law for leaving Islam

A Somali pastor sustained severe injuries when his Somali father-in-law violently assaulted him last month for refusing to return to Islam, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. Somalis believe they are born Muslim, and anyone who leaves Islam can be charged with apostasy and sentenced to death.

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Evangelicals called for prayer for end of war in Ukraine on August 24

A call has been issued for evangelicals around the world to join in prayer on August 24 to pray for an end to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Christian Today (CT) reports. Organized by the World Evangelical Alliance and by the European Evangelical Alliance, the day of prayer was chosen to coincide with Independence Day in Ukraine.

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China: Two church leaders remain in prison after arrest for attending Gospel event

A preacher and church coworker from the heavily persecuted Xuncheng Reformed Church in China’s Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, are still in jail after being arrested in November for “illegally” traveling to Malaysia to attend a Christian conference, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports.

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Christian Genocide in Nigeria

The ongoing slaughter of Christians in Nigeria at the hands of Islamic extremists meets the established international standards for genocide, the Colson Center reports. The International Christian Concern advocacy group reported in 2020 that between 50,000 to 70,000 Christians have been killed by Islamic terrorists; the Open Doors USA advocacy group reported this year that one Nigerian Christian is killed for their faith every two hours, 13 a day, 372 a month.

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US Jails Danish Evangelist For Weapons Smuggling

A Danish evangelist says he is being held in jail by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) authorities for allegedly “smuggling weapons from Mexico to America.“

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