India: Dramatic escalation of violence in Manipur, 58 dead, 50 churches burned

Christian leaders in India’s Manipur state have accused the Hindu nationalist government of supporting the violent attacks carried out by ethnic Hindu Meitei rioters, which began last week, and which have now resulted in the destruction of 50 churches and the deaths of 58 people, many of whom were Christians, the Christian Post (CP) reports. 

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US Commission on International Religious Freedom publishes annual report, lists worst violators

The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) on Monday published its annual report on the state of religious freedom around the world, listing those nations which it found to be the worst violators of such freedom, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports.

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Uganda: Christian college student murdered for sharing the Gospel

A 24-year-old Christian college student in northern Uganda was murdered last month by a suspected radicalized Muslim because he had been sharing the Gospel on his school campus, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. While Christianity is legal in Uganda, Christians, especially evangelists, have been increasingly vulnerable to deadly attacks by radicalized Muslims.

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Libya: Nine Christians including Libyans, AoG American missionaries, and a Pakistani face possible execution after arrest for apostasy and evangelism

Nine Christians, including six Libyans, two Assemblies of God American missionaries, and a Pakistani have been arrested by Libya’s Internal Security Agency, and face possible execution on charges of apostasy from Islam and preaching Christianity, the Catholic News Agency (CNS) reports.

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Uganda: Jihadists set off fuel bomb on Pentecostal church premises

Claiming that this was the way to serve Allah during the month of Ramadan, Islamic jihadists in western Uganda set off a fuel bomb on the premises of a Pentecostal church during a Good Friday service on April 7, Morning Star News (MSN) reported on April 17. Christianity is legal in Uganda, although believers have come under increasing violent attack from radicalized Muslims.

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Myanmar: Former head of Kachin Baptist Convention sentenced to six years imprisonment, “outrageous travesty of justice”

A Myanmar/Burma court has sentenced the former President of the Kachin Baptist Convention (KBC), Reverend Dr. Hkalam Samson, to six years in prison for speaking out against human rights abuses perpetrated against the Kachin people by the ruling Burmese military junta Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) reports.

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India Supreme Court to hear case by Catholic Archbishop requesting disclosure of records of religious rights abuses

In a case brought by the Catholic Archbishop of Bangalore, India’s Supreme Court will on Friday consider harsh anti-conversion laws passed in numerous Indian states and consider the church leader’s request to compel the disclosure of records of religious violations in those states, the Christian Post (CP) reports.

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