Cuba: European Parliament mentions imprisoned Christian pastor in resolution denouncing Cuban “systemic” rights abuses

The European Parliament named Christian pastor Lorenzo Rosales Fajardo among other prisoners in an urgent resolution it passed last week to denounce “systematic abuses” by Cuba's government against citizens, Evangelical Focus (EF) reports.

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India State Tables Anti-Conversion Law Amid Anti-Christian Violence

Christians were concerned Wednesday as the Hindu-led government of India’s southwestern state of Karnataka was to table a harsh anti-conversion law amid attacks against churches.

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Algeria Prosecutes Protestants Over ‘Non-Muslim Rites’

The senior pastor of Algeria’s largest Protestant church is among those facing a court on charges such as “practicing non-Muslim rites without permission," sources said Thursday.

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Franklin Graham wins UK legal case, will preach in Northern England

US preacher Franklin Graham has won a UK legal case brought by British LGBT activists who accused him of promoting homophobia, and will now be able to hold an event in Sheffield, England in May, the BBC reports. The parties agreed to a confidential settlement, with no admission of liability on either side.

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Cuban government seeking 10-year jail term for Pastor, “My children and I plead for help”

Authorities in Cuba are looking to impose a 10-year prison sentence on a pastor who participated in nationwide peaceful protests against the government on July 11, Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) reports. Currently held at the Boniato maximum security prison, Pastor Lorenzo Rosales Fajardo of the Monte de Sion Independent Church in Palma Soriano has been charged with ‘public disorder,’ and ‘disrespect’ among other offenses.

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