India pastor's house church, which he built with his own hands, all but destroyed

A pastor in India and former carpenter who built his own house church nine years ago has seen his flock all but scattered after villagers, instigated by a local Brahmin with high political connections, dug a trench to prevent people from entering and harassed believers through the month of January.

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Christians deploy to help east Africans against locust swarms 'as big as major cities'

Christian aid groups, along with pesticide-wielding UN troops, are deploying to eastern Africa to fight a locust swarm that experts say is the worst to hit the region in 70 years and could grow by 500 times between now and June.

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Pastor in India framed for breaking Hindu idols, arrested by police after suffering abuse from extremists

A pastor in India and his family were held hostage for several hours by Hindu radicals who accused him of carrying out forced conversions and defacing Hindu idols, police blaming and arresting the pastor afterwards.

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Scores of people killed in Burkina Faso as war against Christians by Muslim extremists escalates

Between 10 and 50 people were killed in northern Burkina Faso Sunday, as a refugee crisis from Islamic attacks on the country's Christian population has already created 530,000 displaced persons in the West African country.

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Christian Association of Nigeria asks probing questions of government after killing of its leader

The Christian Association of Nigeria issued a damning indictment this week of the Nigerian government's failure to save its leader, who was kidnapped in early January and executed by Boko Haram on Monday.

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Open Doors CEO: China creating 'system of persecution for the future'

Open Doors USA CEO David Curry issued a major warning about China following the release of the most recent World Watch List, saying that it was creating a technological apparatus that could become the "blueprint" for Christian persecution worldwide.

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Christians in India dragged to jail and charged with illegal medicine for healing prayers

Christians in central India accused of illegally practicing medicine spent Christmas Eve and Christmas in jail, later discovering that the charges against them applied to prayers for healing in which they had engaged.

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