Fulani terrorists slaughter villagers in Nigeria: “Pray for the Nigerian government”

Continuing their reign of terror in Nigeria, Fulani militants murdered six villagers and severely injured many more in an attack in Ogun State Thursday, International Christian Concern reports. As the gratuitous killing of civilians by Fulani terrorists has continued unabated for years, Nigeria’s President Muhammad Buhari, who is also Fulani, has been heavily criticized for failing to keep Nigerians safe from the militants.

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Nigerian government executes six Christian soldiers: “Nigeria is becoming like Rwanda”

The Nigerian government executed six Christian soldiers on trumped-up charges in Abuja last month, a civil rights lawyer has told the Christian Post. According to Emeka Umeagbalasi, Chair of the International Society for Civil Liberties and Rule of Law, the soldiers were framed for a crime committed by one of their superiors.

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Nigeria: Fulani Muslim herdsmen continue murderous attacks on Christians

As Islamist violence against Christians in Nigeria continues unabated, Fulani Muslim herdsmen recently killed two clergymen and burned down a Christian conference hall in the country’s Middle Belt, Morning Star News reports. The chairman of the Niger state Christian Association of Nigeria, Rev. Mathias Echioda, told Morning Star News: “There’s the urgent need for Nigeria’s government to put an end to these barbaric acts.”

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Nigeria: Abductors release Christian university professor while country leads world for deadly persecution

The deputy vice-chancellor of the Christian Anchor University in Lagos state, Nigeria has reportedly been released after being kidnapped by suspected Muslim Fulani herdsmen on Jan. 18, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. John Fatokun is understood to have been released on Wednesday, Jan. 20. Nevertheless, Nigeria ranks number one on the 2021 World Watch List for countries in which Christians are killed for their faith.

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Slaughter of Christians in Nigeria: “Please continue to pray for the safety and security of our brothers and sisters”

Muslim Fulani militants are continuing to murder Christians in Nigeria, and at least 18 people from Christian communities in Kaduna state were slaughtered in the week leading up to Christmas, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports.

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Nigeria added to US blacklist of countries which allow religious freedom violations

The United States added Nigeria to a blacklist of countries that violate religious liberties Monday, DW reports. Joining Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and China, Nigeria is now listed as a country “of concern” “under the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998."

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