Uganda: Christian family violently attacked by Muslims for second time in a month

A Christian family recovering from an assault by Muslims in Uganda last month was attacked again last week, Morning Star News reports. On January 24, Muslim villagers again attacked the family of Pastor Moses Nabwana, this time breaking into his Nankodo Sub-County home and injuring his wife and two of his children. The pastor and his wife Lovisa Naura were still recovering from being hospitalized after beatings by local Islamists on December 27.

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Uganda: Female pastor raped by Islamic extremists for preaching the Gospel

Islamic extremists in Uganda raped a female church pastor last month, claiming they were “teaching her a lesson” for converting Muslims to Christianity, Morning Star News reports. The Pastor, who was not named for her protection, was attacked in Kapyani in the Kibuku District of eastern Uganda on December 21. Although Ugandan law allows freedom of religion, and Muslims are a small minority in the country, radical Islamic persecution of Christians is ongoing.

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Uganda: Muslim relatives murder young son of former sheik who refused to deny Christ; Islamic terrorists slaughter Pastor and 12-year old son

The six-year-old son of a former sheik was murdered by his relatives in eastern Uganda Monday, after the father refused his family’s demand that he deny Christ, Morning Star News reports. The attack happened two days after Islamic terrorists murdered a pastor and his 12-year old son in western Uganda. These attacks are among many documented in Uganda by Morning Star News, although Muslims make up only 12% of the population and religious freedom is protected under the constitution.

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Muslim militants slaughter Uganda radio-preacher who compared Christianity and Islam

A well-known preacher in northern Uganda was murdered by Islamic militants after he compared Christianity and Islam during a radio broadcast on October 31, Morning Star News reports. David Omara, the 64-year-old leader of Christian Church Center, was ambushed, beaten, and strangled in Aduku, Kwania District after his program.

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Uganda Christians murdered for preaching the Gospel to Muslims

Reports emerged this week that Islamic extremists in eastern Uganda have murdered a pastor and a church member for preaching the Gospel to Muslims, the Christian Post reported Saturday. Pastor Peter Kyakulaga and parishioner Tuule Mumbya of Church of Christ were beaten and drowned in a lake in Lugonyola village in the Gadumire Sub-County of Kaliro District on June 22. Church leaders have reportedly asked the local Christian community not to retaliate, but to be in prayer instead, the Christian Post said.

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