New Report Details North Korea Regime Starves, Tortures Christians

A new report by human rights organization Korea Future attests that the North Korean communist regime uses imprisonment, torture, and starvation to persecute Christians, Christian Today (CT) reports. North Korea ranks one on the US Open Doors Watch List 2021 of the top 50 countries where Christians are persecuted.

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Sri Lankan Businessman Lynched To Death In Pakistan (Worthy News In-depth)

Pakistani police say they have detained seven "prime actors" in the horrific killing of a Sri Lankan businessman lynched and burned by an angry Muslim mob over alleged "blasphemy" against Islam.

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India State Tables Anti-Conversion Law Amid Anti-Christian Violence

Christians were concerned Wednesday as the Hindu-led government of India’s southwestern state of Karnataka was to table a harsh anti-conversion law amid attacks against churches.

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Myanmar: Burmese Army plants landmines in destroyed churches

The Burmese Army in Myanmar’s Chin state has now taken to planting landmines inside the ruins of churches it has destroyed, in order to deter Christians from returning to rebuild the communities the junta has driven them out from, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. Since the February 1 military coup, the Tatmadaw has been murdering and displacing Myanmar Christians in its efforts to violently impose Buddhism.

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Nigerian Herdsmen Burn Christian Homes After Killing Pastor; Pregnant Woman Injured

Islamic Fulani herdsmen in northern Nigeria wounded a pregnant woman and set homes on fire over the weekend after killing a pastor in attacks on Christian villages, Christians confirmed Monday.

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Nigeria killing field for Christians: Islamic terrorists murder abducted pastor after collecting ransom

Islamic terrorists in Nigeria’s Kaduna murdered Reverend Dauda Bature of Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA) last month, despite receiving the ransom they demanded after abducting him, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. As rights groups continue to raise the alarm about a potential Christian genocide in Nigeria, the US Commission on Religious Freedom warned in its 2021 annual report that the country is becoming a “killing field for Christians.”

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Report shows 70% increase in hate crimes against Christians in Europe

A new study shows that hate crimes against Protestants and Catholics increased by 70% in Europe last year, the Christian Post (CP) reports. The Observatory on Intolerance Against Christians in Europe (OIDAC) presented its report amid concerns about an ongoing decline in religious, parental, and conscience freedoms for European Christians.

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