Sudan to Establish Commission for Religious Freedom

Sudan’s transitional government agreed last week to establish an independent national commission for religious freedom, The Christian Post reported. Together with the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) group which fought against ousted dictator Omar al-Bashir, the Transitional Sovereign Council is forming the commission in order to “address all issues relating to religious freedom in order to affirm the principle of peaceful coexistence in the country.”

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Iran Frees Four Converts From Jail

Four former Muslims who became Christians and part of Iran's leading house church movements have been freed from an Iranian jail, Christian activists confirmed Thursday. Kathrin Sajadpour, Moslem Rahimi, and another Christian, of the 'Church of Iran,' were reportedly freed on a reduced bail of 200 million tomans ($11,500) this week, Wednesday.

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Civil Liberties Groups says Around 620 Christians Killed by Islamic Militants in Nigeria Since Beginning of 2020

According to the records of a Nigerian civil liberties organization, Islamic militants have killed at least 620 Christians in the country since the beginning of 2020, CBN News reports. The International Society for Civil Liberties & Rule of Law (ISCLRL) published the number murders in a report which said militant Fulani herdsmen and Boko Haram have stepped up violence against Christians in the old Middle Belt and Northeast regions of Nigeria.

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