China persecution: Government authorities raid online church service

As China’s Communist Party (CCP) regime continues its policy of “Sinicizing” the church, on July 11 government security officials raided a Guangdong province church as its leaders preached an online service through Zoom, International Christian Concern reports. China ranks 17 on the US Open Doors Watch List of top 50 countries where Christians are persecuted.

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Christian leaders among those detained by Cuban government amid nationwide protests

Christian leaders are reported to be among people being detained in Cuba amid rare nationwide protests about the country’s lack of freedoms and worsening economic situation, Christian Solidarity Worldwide reports. Responding to the demonstrations, Cuban President Miguel Díaz Canel has called for “revolutionaries” to fight against the protestors in order to defend the ‘Revolution.’

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China intensifies censorship of religious books in schools

A rights group that focuses on China has reported that, in the run-up to the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) on July 1, the CCP intensified its nation-wide censorship of religious books and materials, Assist News reports. ChinaAid said in its report that a number of schools received notifications forbidding students to read religious books or use other faith-based materials.

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Vice President Pence Praises Late Christian Missionary Kayla Mueller

More details emerged about a young Christian missionary killed in Syria after U.S. Vice President Mike Pence dedicated Wednesday‘s vice-presidential debate to her.

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