Iraqi Kurdistan: Christians flee their homes under Turkish airstrikes

Christian villages in Iraqi Kurdistan have been “emptied” in the last year as Turkey’s air force continues to bomb Kurdish forces connected to the PKK movement, Asia News reports. Christians have also fled from the cities of Zakho, Dohuk, Erbil, only to return because of airstrikes on the areas they escaped to.

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India: Hindu nationalists attack congregants in Karnataka state

As Hindu nationalist persecution of Christians in India continues to intensify, on November 14 a mob of Hindu radicals stormed the Mercy Divine Church in Bangalor, Karnataka state, throwing stones and chairs at congregants, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. Christian persecution in India has increased dramatically since the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party took power in 2014.

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Indonesia: Islamic radicals attack Christian home believing it to be a church

It was only recently reported that Islamic radicals in East Java, Indonesia, attacked and extensively damaged the home of a Protestant Christian man at the end of last month, apparently believing the house to be a church, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. Indonesia’s Ministry of Religious Affairs has reportedly launched an investigation into the attack.

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Wife of American missionary held hostage in Niger pleads with US to honor promise of help

The wife of Jeff Woodke, an American missionary who has been held hostage in Niger for five years, on Wednesday appealed to the US government to honor its promise to keep all options on the table in seeking her husband’s release, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. Making her appeal at a press conference in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday, Els Woodke also called on the international church for help to finance the rescue effort.

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