Indian Christians suffering greatly in COVID-19 wave; “Please Pray for India”

The International Christian Concern organization has called on the global Church to pray for Christians in India who are suffering greatly, fighting to survive amid a devastating wave of COVID-19 that is tearing through the country. “As members of the global Church, we must bear this burden as our own. Please join ICC in praying for India and all those suffering due to the current COVID-19 crisis,” ICC said in a report.

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Nigeria: American Pastor and Nigerian lawyer commended for rebuilding church destroyed in 2016 massacre by Fulani militants

The governor of Nigeria’s Benue State has commended American missionary Pastor William Delvin and Nigerian human rights lawyer Emmanuel Ogebe for rebuilding a church that was destroyed during the 2016 massacre of civilians in the Agatu municipality by Fulani militant herdsmen. After visiting the devastated Agatu community in 2020, Delvin and Ogebe raised necessary funds and organized the rebuilding of the area’s Methodist church in time for its opening on Easter Sunday this year.

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Pastor arrested in the UK for preaching Biblical values in public

A 70-year-old British Pastor was arrested in London last month for publically preaching on the Biblical view of marriage and sexuality, Christian minister Peter Simpson reported in an article for the Conservative Woman. Pastor John Sherwood was arrested on April 23 while preaching from the Bible in the center of Uxbridge (PM Boris Johnson’s constituency).

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Philippines Christian school leader arrested and detained in government crackdown on human rights

Police in the Philippines has arrested and detained the administrator of a Christian school in Bicol region, in what rights advocates have described as a spate of “questionable operations” designed to crack down on human rights in the island nation, International Christian Concern reports.

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Nigeria: Islamist Fulani militants murder 33 Christians in one week; “please pray”

Thirty-three Christians were killed in just one week of attacks by suspected Islamist Fulani militants in Nigeria’s Benue state last month, International Christian Concern reports. The murders were among the latest in years of deadly attacks on Nigerian Christian communities by Fulani militants who want to eliminate Christianity and impose Islam in the country.

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Uganda: Muslim arrested for murdering Christian pastor

A Muslim man has been arrested for the April 5 murder of a Christian pastor in eastern Uganda, Morning Star News reports. Pastor Yolonim Oduchu died of poisoning in Pallisa District after he refused to sell a piece of land to Aliasa Opeduru, one of a group of Muslims who wanted the land to build a mosque.

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Nigeria troops rescue Christian schoolboy abducted by Fulani herdsmen

Government troops in Nigeria’s Plateau state have rescued a boy who was one of four students kidnapped from their Christian mission school by Muslim Fulani herdsmen last month, Morning Star News reports. Kelvin Eze of King’s School was rescued on April 30; the other three students had managed to escape the day before.

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Christian man tortured by police in Pakistan, held in custody

A Christian man in Pakistan was tortured by police into confessing to a false allegation of blasphemy, and then illegally held in custody for two months before being presented to a judge, Morning Star News reports. Salamat Mansha Masih was arrested, tortured, and detained in Lahore after Muslims heard him reading the Bible in a park on February 13.

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