Nepal: Hindu extremists use false document to discredit Christianity

As part of a campaign to discredit Christianity, Hindu extremists in Nepal forged a document they falsely attributed to the Nepal Christian Society (NCS) and the National Churches Fellowship of Nepal (NCFPN), in which they presumed to show these charities want to create an ethnic division for evangelistic purposes, Morning Star News reports.

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Iran: One Christian released from prison, four more detained

While Christian convert Majidreza Souzanchi was released from Iran’s Greater Tehran Penitentiary on April 8, four other Christians were arrested and detained by Iranian intelligence officials on April 19, International Christian Persecution reports. Iran currently ranks 8 on the Open Doors Watch List of countries where Christians are persecuted for their faith.

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China’s five-year campaign to suppress religious freedom affects believers

A major annual report issued by the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) earlier this month, has highlighted China’s five-year campaign to suppress religious faith, including Christianity, in the country, CNS News reports. The Chinese Communist party is pursuing a program of “sinification” or “sinicization” of religion that began in 2018 and is set to run until 2022.

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Religious Freedom Report: 14 nations are “Countries of Particular Concern”

The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) published its 2021 Annual Report earlier this month, redesignating 10 nations as Countries of Particular Concern (CPC) and recommending to the State Department that India, Russia, Syria, and Vietnam now be given that designation as well.

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