Nigeria: Fulani burn believer to death, wound four others; “the silence is deafening”

Warning this would be the “first attack of the New Year,” Fulani militants in Nigeria’s Plateau state burned a Christian to death and wounded four others in a brutal assault on New Year’s Eve, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. Fulani terrorists have murdered many thousands of Christians with apparent impunity; the government has consistently downplayed what local and international rights groups have described as an impending genocide.

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Myanmar: Burmese Army continues to burn churches and homes in Christian state

Myanmar’s Burmese Army (Tatmadaw) is continuing to burn down homes and churches in Thantlang in the Christian majority state of Chin, even though the military has already killed or driven out the town’s Christian residents, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports.

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Nigeria: US and international community do nothing as slaughter of Christians continues

The international community remains almost completely silent as Christians in Nigeria continue to be slaughtered by Islamic jihadists intent on crushing Christianity and imposing Sharia law on the country.

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